Jaguar | Snow Leopard | Giraffe | Lynx | African Lion | Cougar | Jackal | Alligator | Black Bear | Patagonian Cavy | Prairie Dog | Camel | Timber Wolf | Arctic Fox | Fennec Fox | | Alpaca | Rattlesnake | | Eagle Owl | | Prehensile-tailed Porcupine | Patas Monkey | Sloth | Gila Monster | | Coati | Serval
Leopard | Wallaby (Kangaroo) | Capybara | Gibbon | Ringtail Lemur | Capuchin Monkey | Marmoset | American River Otter | Birds of Prey | American Porcupine | African Crested Porcupine | Hyacinth Macaw | Blue & Gold Macaw | | Lory Parrot | Emu | Fallow Deer | Domestic Goats | Domestic Sheep | Red Fox | | | Binturong | Asian Short Clawed Otter | Boa Constrictor | | Burmese Python | other snakes & reptiles and many more!